Friday, June 5, 2009

Three reasons why this blog got into a crisis

1. I have no computer anymore. It’s yesterday’s news, so in short – three ugly guys came into the bar, two distracted me enough time for the third to take my things and go. I think over and over again about the scene. Of course, in all the reenactments I jump these two guys, beat them to pulp or drag them to the police. “I was either too smart or too chicken to try and grab one of them”, I wrote to my family a couple of hours after the incident. But eventually, I realized I was neither: the thought of attacking them just didn’t came up. That is to be granted not only to my peacefull nature, but to human reactions in these situations. Imagine yourself getting a punch on the street from somebody you don’t know, just like that. Your first reaction wouldn’t be anger, but sheer amazement. This was my reaction, and whether for good or bad – I failed to transform amazement into rage.

2. Along with the computer, I lost the comfort and will need to write.

3. My blog, as the one of countless others, has been blocked for me for a few weeks. now. This is due to the tendency of government leaders – in Israel, for example – to be sometimes more interested in telling people what to think, say, and remember, than in justifying their own leadership by making the people feel actually better. From this it can be understood why I made a special effort to release this hasted post today. well then, 4th of June to you.

1 comment:

  1. Sup Zohar! Nice blog. I will be following you closely.
